Artificial Intelligence

Machine Learning and Deep Learning

Bella Fried
2 min readMay 23, 2021

What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

AI is when a computer acts like a person. It can think, rationalize and problem-solve.

What is Machine Learning (ML)?

A part of AI, ML is when a computer can learn from and adapt to new info on its own, without being specifically programmed for a given task. This eliminates the need for millions of lines of typed code.

What is Deep Learning (DL)?

DL enables ML by absorbing huge amounts of data across text, images, or video.

What are the two categories of AI?

  1. Weak/Narrow— designed to do one task (play chess, or answer questions — Alexa or Siri).
  2. Strong/General — designed to do multiple, complex tasks (self-driving cars, or surgical robots).

Examples of AI in everyday life?

Healthcare — personalized treatment plans, drug dosage prescriptions, and disease mapping and prediction tools.

Retail — customer service chat bots.

Finance — stock trading robo-advisors.

Security — fraud-detection bots to flag unusual credit card usage or large account deposits.

Communication — spam filters on email.

Media — monitoring tools to identify, flag and remove inappropriate content or fake news.

Entertainment — TV show or song recommendations on Netflix and Spotify.

AI concern?

AI replaces jobs (taxis → self-driving cars, and humans → machines). However, AI also creates new jobs across engineering, design and data analysis, etc.

